I see a lot of people still full of anger or fear and I think I am doing so well, we are so social now and there are prayers answered and joy that I have never had before, but this still hurts. And yes, of course, don't they deserve anger? They kept me away from Christ,The answer to the hole in my spirit, my life, my love, my strength, my everything! They are still doing it to others including my loved ones.
They are breaking up families and ruining lives. But anger is not the main emotion I feel. That was only for a few days.
We had a Christian couple visit us yesterday and encourage us to attend church and I very much enjoyed the fellowship. They also told us that they have one of our old JW elders calling on them so we talked about how to try to plant seeds there, and I cried... I love him.
Then I had a dream about my mom last night. She just wants to see her grandkids. I know that this hurts God too, these people being deceived and kept away from Him.
Thank you for your transparency. I pray that one day your family will be free and I pray the same for mine. I pray also that in Christ you find comfort when you feel broken and that you always feel loved. Wir sind alle bettler (We are all beggars) this is most certainly true. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you, the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.